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What is my Tangelo food benefit?
What is my Tangelo food benefit?

Tangelo has partnered with your insurance company to provide you 24 weeks of medically tailored meals, at no cost to you!

Updated over a week ago

What to expect?

Now that we've gotten to know you, our dietitians have prescribed a diet of meals that is uniquely tailored to your circumstances. Every week we'll be curating a box for you and give you the option to edit those meals. Then we'll prepare, package and ship it to your door!

Track your progress.

After your 12th meal delivery, we'll reach back out and have you to take the dietary assessment again. This will help you and your medical team see the impact eating these healthy, tailored meals are having on your health!

What is a medically tailored meal?

Over the last decade, numerous clinical studies have shown that what you eat has a profound effect on your overall health. Medically tailored meals have been found to improve health outcomes, lower cost of care, and improve quality of life. After receiving input from you, Tangelo’s team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) creates a meal plan that accommodates your unique chronic conditions, dietary restrictions, and lifestyle. These meals are created using the freshest, healthy ingredients while adhering to the latest scientific evidence and nutrition practice standards.

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